

你的幸福很重要. North Park is here to provide help with access to essential services that impact overall health and well-being. 基本需求资源包括获得营养食品, 稳定的住房, 医疗保健, 照顾孩子, 运输, 财政资源.


North Park is committed to providing support and resources for students experiencing 无家可归的人ness. 艾米芒通, 学生关怀协调员, 学生参与, 是指定的HOUSE联络员吗, 根据伊利诺伊州公共法案102-0083.

如果你或你认识的北公园学生正在经历无家可归,请发电子邮件 艾米芒通 或致电(773)244-5291.


路灯芝加哥 提供有关庇护所的最新资料, 医疗诊所, 紧急床, 精神健康服务, 和更多的. The website is geared for young adults in 芝加哥 between the ages of 16 and 24 living with un稳定的住房.

夜之部 富有同情心地提供住房, 卫生保健, 外展, 精神上的关心, 以及为无家可归的成年人和青少年提供的社会服务, 贫困, 和孤独. 提供上门服务.

伊利诺伊圣约之家 is committed to providing 无家可归的人 youth (ages 18-24) with ongoing care and crisis support. 提供上门服务.

·莱特集体 服务受贫困和无家可归影响的年轻人. ·莱特集体’s mission is to: mission is to: SUPPORT every young adult who contacts us, 他们需要什么就提供什么, for as long as they want us by their side; END harmful systems that cause young people to need our help in the first place; and BUILD a more just and equitable world together with all who aspire to do better by young people.

勇敢太空联盟 第一个是黑人领导的吗, 由跨性别人士领导的LGBTQ+中心位于芝加哥南部, 致力于创造和提供肯定, 文化主管, 为我们提供资源, 编程, 以及为城市南部和西部的LGBTQ+个人提供的服务.

孩子高于一切的浮现计划 在芝加哥和莱克县帮助年轻人, 年龄在18到24岁之间, who are experiencing 无家可归的人ness to achieve self-sufficiency through housing support and case management.

莎拉的圆 为妇女提供全面连续的服务, 包括住房, 生活必需品, 以及支持性服务, 帮助他们永远结束无家可归的生活.

低收入热能援助计划 (LIHEAP)
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps eligible low-income households pay for home energy services (primarily heating during winter months).

Utility Billing Relief (UBR) provides low-income City of 芝加哥 residents with a reduced rate on their water, 下水道, and water-下水道 tax as well as debt relief for those who demonstrate they can manage the reduced rate bills for one year.

库克县社区和经济发展协会. (CEDA)提供煤气和电力援助, 炉膛维修及更换, 或者水援助.

房屋署有 援助计划 为库克县郊区的居民支付租金和水电费.

If you are at risk of evection or are worried about remaining in your home because you have been unable to pay rent, 查看这些资源:




North Park is dedicated to tackling food insecurity and providing comprehensive support to our students. 粮食不安全是指持续获得充足的粮食而不能积极生活, 健康的生活受到缺乏金钱或其他资源的限制. 饥饿会影响你的学习能力,影响你的整体健康. North Park wants to ensure you have access to nutritious food and assistance to help you solve issues of food insecurity.


If you are in urgent need of food today, please contact the Center for 学生参与.


学生保健 has partnered with Aramark to provide food assistance for students who are experiencing food insecurity and may benefit from meals at the main campus dining hall. 学生可以通过填写表格申请膳食援助 在线申请,完成 耳朵self-referral,或联系 学生保健.

芝加哥’s Food Bank has more than 700 partners across Cook County ensuring that nutritious food is available all year to neighbors in need. 通过search地址或邻居来找到你所在地区的食品储藏室.

爱情冰箱 芝加哥的互助组织是以食物为基础的吗, 在城市各处安装社区冰箱. 这些冰箱, 由当地艺术家绘制,以反映他们生活的社区, 让邻居们有机会捐赠食物,也可以拿走他们需要的东西, 确保食物全天候供应.

提前 (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) is a federal assistance program providing food benefits to income-eligible individuals and families. 在大多数情况下, 一旦你提交了申请, your state agency or local 提前 office will process your application and send you a notice telling you whether you are eligible for benefits within 30 days. 试 合格的工具 看看你是否有资格获得福利.


The 学生关怀计划 offers limited financial assistance to currently enrolled students experiencing financial difficulties while attending North Park University. Students can apply for the 学生关怀计划 to help with temporary or ongoing financial hardships.

北园提供各种教材辅助资源, 包括教科书和课程供应援助计划, which helps students who face financial hardships and are unable to afford to rent or purchase books.


卫生服务 provides a variety of services for students to improve or maintain their health, 获得适当的医疗照顾, 做出健康的生活选择.

辅导及支援服务 provides free and confidential mental health support for North Park students.

保健服务和咨询支助服务均位于3317 W. 福斯特大街. 秋季和春季学期的办公时间为周一至周五上午8:30 -下午4:30.

使用新的学生健康门户网站 northpark.studenthealthportal.com 预约健康服务或咨询支持服务.

Thriving Campus is a tool to assist students with locating mental health providers off campus.

北岸急救中心 -芝加哥在索加纳什
(773) 293-8788

北岸急救中心 -芝加哥林肯村
6071 N. 林肯大街.伊利诺伊州芝加哥60659
(224) 364-2273

5140 N. 加州大街.伊利诺伊州芝加哥60625
(773) 878-8200

The Marketplace is helps people get health insurance who may not otherwise get coverage. 你可以了解更多关于健康保险的信息, 比较计划, 找到最能满足你需求的保险. 有关市场的帮助,请联系 学生保健.

了解为处于危险中的青少年提供的可负担的健康保险和资源, 无家可归的人, 或者是脆弱的.

If you need assistance paying for medical bills or are not able to get access to affordable 医疗保健, 你可能有资格通过医院系统获得经济援助. Contact the hospital billing department, search on the hospital website, or contact 学生保健 寻求帮助.


儿童保育援助计划(CCAP) – The Illinois Department of Human Services’ (IDHS) Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) and the local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency are working together to support families to get the information and resources the need to find and select the best 照顾孩子 for their child.

伊利诺伊州儿童行动-儿童保育转介 -经验丰富的家长顾问可以帮助您找到优质的托儿服务. Consultants assist families with accessing and paying for 照顾孩子 that would otherwise be incredibly difficult or impossible to afford.

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